18/10/2016 | Speakers

Paul Gradvohl


Contemporary Central Europe is the main topic of Paul Gradvohl’s historical research and publications. Among these (co-editor): Culture et identité en Europe centrale. Canons littéraires et visions de l’his­toi­re (Paris, Institut d’Études Slaves/Brno, Masaryk University, 2011) or L’Euro­pe médiane au XXe siècle : fractures, décompositions – recompositions – sur­com­po­sitions (Prague, CEFRES, 2011). Director of the Center for French Civilization and Francophone Studies at the Warsaw University (2012-2016) years, he recently came back to the Université de Lorraine. In 2013 he published, with Violaine Gelly, a biography of Charlotte Delbo (Paris, Fayard). The book was awarded the Prix de la critique by the French Pen Club (December 2013). He started working on a global approach of Central Europe (historiographical, see Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest, 20014/2, or centered on fears since 1918 Esprit 2016/March-April, nr 423) and is often interviewed in the media about the recent events in Central Europe (Le Monde, Radio France Internationale, France Info these last weeks).